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  2. Speaker Management

How to Access Backend as a Speaker & Session Moderator

Learn how to log in to the event's backend as a speaker or session moderator to view assigned sessions, check the speakers associated with each session, and manage tasks such as adding sessions and speakers as a session moderator.

  1. Head over to the event's backend by accessing the backend URL and add the registered login credentials.

2. The dashboard will display sessions which you are a part of within the listing section.

3. Click on the icons under the "Actions" section to view details associated with the session.

  • Abstract Settings: Lets the speaker view session configurations.

Note: Session Moderators can add, view, and edit session details whereas speakers have view-only access.

  • Questions: Lets the speaker view and moderate questions raised in the Q&A box.


  • Speakers: Lets them view peer speakers associated with the session.

Note: Session Moderators can add, view, and edit session speakers whereas speakers have view-only access.