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How to add a booth?

Follow this step-by-step guide to add a booth as an Admin or Event Organizer. Learn how to configure booth details, select a floor, and manage additional settings for exhibitors.

A booth in the vFairs platform is an exhibit space which the exhibitors use to showcase their resources in an organized manner. Exhibitors are able to select from a range of different designs to finalize how their booth looks like on the frontend and they also have the ability to add documents, videos, and booth representatives to the booth when building it out. 

Steps to add a booth in the backend:

  1. Once you are logged in to your event’s backend, click on the left menu named Booth Management to access the booths listing. 

2. On the booth listing screen, you will see an Add Booth button on the top right side which you can click to start creating a new booth. 

3. Upon clicking, a slider section will appear which will allow you to add the Booth Name, Booth Description, select Floor and Exhibitor’s name and email address.  

You may notice some other fields appearing when adding a new booth, they can be skipped as they are not mandatory for creating a booth. 

4. Once you have added the required details, click on the Save Booth button and your newly created booth will start appearing automatically in the booth listing. 

Fields table:

Field Name



Like the name suggests, it's a floor space on which the booths are added and can be organized. An event can have multiple floors to differentiate between various categories of booths present. 


Comma separated keywords can be added in this field under advanced settings which help users in searching or filtering out a booth.

Enable Video Popup

This is a toggle in advanced settings that allows you to add a welcome video to your booth. If enabled, you will be able to upload a video file and give it a title. This welcome video will pop up whenever a user visits this booth on the frontend. 


You can create a new booth without entering the Exhibitor’s name and email address also but adding these details comes in handy when you want to send out emails to the exhibitors with info to start building their booths. 

Do not add more than 50 booths on a single floor when creating new booths. Learn more about managing floors here.