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How to add and manage translations and labels

Steps to Add Translations and Update Labels

  1. From the left navigation menu, go to Event Content and select Translations & Labels.
  2. In the first dropdown menu, select the label you want to translate.
  3. In the next field, enter the translated text.
  4. From the language dropdown, choose the appropriate language for the translation.
  5. Click Update Labels to save this translation.
  6. To add additional translations, click on + Add Translation and repeat the process.
  7. When you have finished adding translations, click Update to save all changes.

Updating Headings for a Virtual Event:

  • To change a label for a specific heading in the virtual event, select the text you want to update from the dropdown menu. Then, add the new text in the replacement field and select English as the language. This will update the heading for the event.

Importing Translations

  • Click on the import translations button and download the sample CSV file. You can add all the translations in this CSV file at once and upload it to the backend.