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How to Add Different Service Charges for Different Payment Gateways

Event organizers can configure service fees, processing fees, or booking fees for different payment gateways. This allows them to pass on transaction costs to registrants when using specific payment methods.

Steps to Configure Service Charges

1. Navigate to the Payment Methods Submodule

  1. Log in to the backend.
  2. Go to the Registrations Module.
  3. Click on Payment Methods.

2. Add or Edit a Payment Method

  • To add a new payment method, click on the +Add button (top right corner).
  • To modify an existing payment method, click on the pencil icon next to the method in the list view.

3. Configure the Booking Fee Type

  1. In the side drawer that appears, locate the field labeled Booking Fee Type.
  2. Click on the dropdown and select one of the following options:
    • Booking Fee Percentage – Applies a percentage-based fee.
    • Booking Fee Amount – Applies a fixed flat fee.

4. Define the Booking Fee

  • If percentage is selected, the fee will be calculated as follows:
    Booking Fee = (Subtotal - Discounts) × Percentage
    (Subtotal = Tax-exclusive amount of tickets + add-ons, if applicable)
  • If amount is selected, a flat fee will be applied to the total.
  • Taxes (if configured) will apply to the booking fee.

5. Save the Configuration

Click Save (bottom right corner) to apply the changes.

How the Booking Fee Appears to Registrants

  • When a registrant selects a payment method that has a booking fee configured, the order summary will display the fee.
  • The booking fee will be added to the total amount before payment is processed.


Using this feature, event organizers can customize service charges for different payment gateways, ensuring better cost management and transparency in pricing for registrants.