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How to Add Social Sharing Links on Your Landing Page

Boost Event Visibility by Enabling Social Media Sharing on Your Landing Page.

Adding social sharing links to your event's landing page can help attendees share the event on their social media profiles, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.

Here's how you can easily enable these options:

Steps to Add Social Sharing Links:

  1. Go to Page builder:

    • Log in to your backend and navigate to the Event Content section.
    • In the event content screen, click on Page Builder to open the page editing options.
  2. Access the Page Builder Editor:

    • Once in the Page Builder, click on the Page Builder Editor button located at the top-right corner of the page builder screen.
  3. Enable Social Icons in the Footer:

    • Scroll down the page builder editor drawer, and locate the Footer option (second last on the list).
    • Enable the Show Social Icons toggle to display the social media icons on your landing page.

  4. Choose Social Media Icons:

    • From the available options (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn), select the social media icons you want to appear on your event landing page.
    • This will allow users to click these icons and share your event directly on their chosen social media platform.
  5. Save Your Changes:

    • Once you've enabled the social icons, make sure to save the changes to apply them to your landing page.


By adding these social sharing links, you make it easier for attendees to promote your event on popular platforms, increasing visibility and engagement.