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How to Assign Bulk Reviewers

Learn how to simplify and optimize the abstract review process by utilizing bulk reviewer assignment. This feature allows event organizers to efficiently assign multiple reviewers to submissions in one action.

  1. Access the backend of the event and head over to the "Abstract Management" section.

2. Click on the "Submissions" button from the module. 

A list of all of the submissions submitted by submitters along with their statuses will open up.

3. Select the submissions to whom reviewers are to be assigned.

NOTE: The submissions which exist in "draft" mode in the system won't qualify for the bulk reviewer assignment flow.


4. Click on the "Assign Bulk Reviewers" button at the top right hand side of the listing section.

5. The bulk reviewer assignment screen will open up with a step by step process to initiate assignment of reviewers

STEP 1: Confirm the selection of submissions to whom reviewers are to be assigned and click on the continue button.

STEP 2: Select the reviewers to be assigned to the selected submissions and click on the continue button.

STEP 3: Select the assignment mechanism from the given options:

All reviewers to each abstract: This will assign all of the selected reviewers to each of the selected submissions. 

Assign by Matching: The reviewers will be assigned to the Abstract submissions based on either of the criteria selected below.

  1. Select Matching Criteria: Select the Group/Parent/Sub categories or tracks on the basis of which reviewers are to be mapped to submissions.
  2. Distribution Strategy: Select the distribution strategy on the basis of which the assignment should be initiated. It can either be "Round Robin Distribution" or "Even Distribution".

6. The final "Review" step gives a quick overview of the selected submissions and reviewers which are being assigned to submissions subject to assignment mechanisms.

7. Click on the "Continue" button to complete the bulk reviewer assignment process.