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How to create an ad in the mobile app

Learn how to create and customize splash and banner ads in the vFairs Mobile App to promote sponsors, products, and services during your event.

You can create 2 types of Ads, namely Splash Ads and Banner Ads:

A Splash Ad fully covers the screen upon user login, delivering an immediate visual impact.

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A Banner Ad will be displayed in the designated ad section on the home screen, and you have the flexibility to adjust the placement of this section as needed.

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Steps to creating an Ad. 

  1. The Mobile Ads screen can be accessed from the left navigation menu under the Mobile App section. Click on the Mobile App section to expand and then select Mobile Ads. 

This will take you to a listing page where you can view and edit any existing ads created by your organization. If no ads have been created yet, you can easily start by creating one by following the steps.

2. Click on the ‘+ Create Ad’ button to start.

A form will open, allowing you to enter the details for your ad.

3. Entering ad details

Fill out the fields:

Field Name



Input your ad title, such as "Sponsor Ad." This title is for your reference only and will not be visible in the app.

Ad Type

From the dropdown menu, select “Mobile App Ad”

Ad Placement

Select ‘Splash Ad’ or ‘Banner Ad’

  • Splash Ad: A full-screen ad that appears right after a user logs in. You can set how often it will be shown.
  • Banner Ad: These Ads will be displayed in the designated ad section on the home screen, and you can adjust the placement of this section as needed.

Image URL or Upload

‘Enter URL’ OR ‘Upload an image’

Make sure your image dimensions are precisely 1280x2478px for splash ads and 1280x242px for banner ads.

Interval (Only Applicable for Splash Ads

Choose the appropriate option from the dropdown:

  • Ad will show once after login (this will display the ad only once during the user’s initial login),
  • Ad will show in each session (the ad will appear every time the user logs in),
  • Ad will show in each alternate session (the ad will be shown at every alternate login).

Screen of Appearance

This field is to be filled only for banner ads. This allows you to select on which screen you want to display your banner ad.


Select your event language

On Click Action

On Click Action - Choose the screen where you'd like the user to be directed after clicking, or enter an external URL for navigation.

4. After filling out the details, click ‘Save’.

5. The form will close, and you should now be able to see your newly created ad on the listing page.