How to design an email campaign

This step-by-step guide outlines how to create and customize an email campaign in the backend by either using an AI tool or predefined templates, and how to test and schedule the campaign for distribution.

Steps to design a new Email Campaign in the backend:

  1. Once you are logged in to your event’s backend, click on the left menu named Marketing to access the Email Campaigns dashboard. 

  2. On the Email Campaigns dashboard, you will see a Create button on the top right side which you can click to start designing a new campaign.

  3. Upon clicking, you will be taken to the below screen where the first step you need to take is to select the Email Format you want to use. You may choose to start with a predefined template or let our AI tool generate an email campaign for you. 

    Using the AI tool to generate the Email Campaign

    1. Enter the relevant information for the campaign such as Campaign Name, From Name, Reply to Email, Blind Copy (BCC) Email and choose the Audience Segment you want to send this email to, then click Save & Continue. You can learn more about how to schedule email campaigns for specific Audience Segments here.

      It is recommended not to change the From Email address as this is the whitelisted email address from which your campaign will be sent out to the audience. This will ensure the email does not end up in the recipient's spam or junk folder. Please get in touch with your assigned Project Manager in case you want to customize the From Email address to something else. 

      The Reply to Email allows you to receive a response in case someone replies to your campaign email. Moreover, the BCC Email lets you be in the blind copy of all the emails that are sent out to the audience, however, both of these are optional and can be left blank. 

    2. After clicking on the Save & Continue button, you will be taken to the following screen where you will be able to give content instructions to our AI tool to generate an email for you. 
      1. You can select the stage of the event this email is for e.g. Pre-Event, During the Event or Post Event. 
      2. You can select the email type such as Registration Confirmation, Reminder or Other. 
      3. Lastly, you can give instructions to the AI tool regarding the details of the email such as any details you want to highlight as shown below and click Generate.

    3. A preview of your email campaign will be generated in a few seconds along with a Subject line which you can then review and edit as you deem fit.

    4. Once done, you can send out a test email to yourself and your team members to make sure everything looks great in your inbox, using the Send Test button as shown below. 

    5. You would notice that you can add your and your colleagues emails in the pop up box that appears. The format shown in the placeholder must be followed in order to successfully send a test email.

    If your name is John Doe and your email address is, the format to add in the pop up would be In case of more than one recipient you can separate them with a comma followed by the same format of name first and then the email of the second recipient.

    6. Once you are satisfied, you can easily schedule the campaign by clicking on the check box on the bottom left and selecting the date and time to send out the email campaign in your event’s timezone. 

    Using a predefined Email template to design an Email Campaign

    1.  If you choose to select a predefined email template, you will be taken to the screen shown below where you can select from a dropdown list of pre-built templates and update them as necessary.

    1.  Click on “Click here to edit email template” to start editing the pre-built email template in a dynamic editor which would allow you to edit, remove and add new components to your email body using a user-friendly drag and drop.

    2. Once done, you can update your template by clicking the Update button in the top right corner and then sending out a test email or scheduling it for later, using the same process explained above.

    3. Once an email campaign has been designed and scheduled, it would start appearing on your email campaign dashboard as shown below, showing the scheduled time (based on the event’s timezone):


    The scheduled time of the email campaign will always follow the Event timezone setup in the backend Event Settings. 


    4. You can edit, clone, delete or download statistics for your campaign using these icons under Actions on the Email Campaign Dashboard.


    Saving Your Work

    At any stage, admins can save the email draft and continue editing it later. There’s no need to complete the campaign setup in one go.

    Using Dynamic Tags in Email Campaigns

    To personalise your emails, you can use dynamic tags to automatically pull attendee information, such as:

    • Names
    • Email addresses
    • Fields from the registration form or attendee data import.

    These tags allow you to tailor your emails to each recipient, creating a more engaging experience.