How to Enable Allowance Negotiation

The Allowance Negotiation feature streamlines the process of negotiating product allowances between Admins and Exhibitors. Follow the steps below to activate this feature:

Step 1: Navigate to E-commerce Settings

  1. Log in to the vFairs Back-end dashboard and locate the Event Setup tab in the side panel.
  2. Go to the E-commerce Module Settings.
  3. Locate the "Enable Allowance Negotiation" toggle in the settings menu.
  4. Turn the toggle on to activate the feature.

Alternatively, you can enable the feature through the E-commerce Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the E-commerce tab in the side panel.
  2. Click on Settings (found in the top-right corner next to the Add Item button).

  3. Find the Enable Allowance Negotiation toggle and enable it.

Step 2: Confirm Activation

Once activated, a new sub-tab labeled Allowance Negotiation will appear in your E-commerce dashboard. This tab serves as the central hub for managing all allowance negotiation activities, including worksheets, item statuses, and communications with suppliers.


  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions (Admin or Event Owner Role) to access and manage the E-commerce Module. 
  • Confirm that vendors or brokers have access to their dashboards to initiate allowance negotiations. They will have their separate credentials to login into the vFairs back-end.

By following these steps, you can quickly enable the Allowance Negotiation feature.