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How to Enable Auto Reviewer Assignment Capability for Abstract Submissions

Learn how to automate the reviewer assignment process for abstract submissions, with or without predefined matching criteria, eliminating the need for manual assignment.

1. Head over to the "Settings" section within the abstract management module.

2. In the "General Settings" section, enable the toggle that reads "Enable Auto Reviewer Assignment".

3. As soon as the toggle is enable, a sub-heading appears within the settings section that reads "Auto Reviewer Assignment Settings".

4. The auto reviewer assignment section includes two different assignment mechanisms:

All reviewers to each abstract: This ensures that each submission in the system is assigned to every reviewer user role associated with the event.

Assign by matching: The reviewers will be assigned to the Abstract submissions based on either of the criteria selected below.

All reviewers to each Abstract (subject to matching criteria): The system first filters reviewers based on the track or category they are associated with, then assigns all reviewers within a specific track or category to all submissions under the same track or category.
Distribute Evenly:
Upon selection of this option, the system first filters reviewers based on the track or category they are associated with, and then assign the reviewers to submissions following a pattern where the reviewers with least amount of assigned submissions are preferred first followed by the ones which have a greater count.

NOTE: By default, enablement of the auto reviewer assignment flow leads to enablement of the first assignment mechanism where all reviewers are assigned to each submission.

5. Click on the "Update Settings" button upon selecting the preferred mechanism and the auto-reviewer assignment flow will be initiated.

NOTE: The auto-assignment mechanism functions in both scenarios: when reviewers are already in the system and submissions are added later, or when submissions exist in the system and reviewers are added afterward.