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  2. Speaker Management

How to Enable Booth Rep/Attendee to Speaker Profile Switcher

Learn how to enable the booth rep/attendee-to-speaker profile switcher, allowing users to hold booth admin or attendee roles alongside the speaker role using the same email address. This feature ensures users can access role-specific capabilities.

  1. Head over to the sessions listing area and click on the "Settings" button.


2. Access the "Advanced Settings and scroll down to enable "Allow Same Email for Multiple Roles" toggle.


3. Once enabled, event organizers can add speaker user roles into the system with the same email address through which the users exist as attendees or booth admins in the system.

Note: This functionality is uni-directional, requiring users to already have a booth admin or attendee role in the system before they can be added as speakers using the same email address.

4. As soon as the user logs in to the platform, they'll see a profile switcher pop up that will ask them to select the user role with which they want to exist in the platform.

Note: Users can switch between roles at any point of time by clicking on the profile dropdown menu at the top right hand side of the platform.