How to enable reserve a chat slot

Streamline attendee interactions by activating the 'Reserve a Chat Slot' feature.

The 'Reserve a Chat Slot' feature allows attendees to book specific times to chat with booth representatives, enhancing structured engagement during your event.

Follow these steps to enable this feature on vFairs:

Access Chat Settings

  1. Log In to the Backend and click on the ‘Networking’ tab in the sidebar.
  2. Under the Networking tab, select ‘Chat Settings’ to access all configurations related to chat functionalities. 

Enable "Reserve a Chat Slot"

  1. Within Chat Settings, locate the ‘Enable Reserve a Chat Slot’ option as shown in the reference image below.
  2. Toggle to Enable: Turn on this feature to allow attendees to reserve dedicated chat slots with representatives.

Step 3: Save Changes

Once the feature is activated, click ‘Update Settings’ to save the changes.

By enabling "Reserve a Chat Slot," you make it easier for attendees to connect with booth representatives, ensuring more meaningful and organized interactions during the event.