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How to manage Organization departments

Learn how to create and manage Organization Departments, allowing organizers to effectively group team members by department. This guide covers adding, editing, and deleting departments, as well as customizing columns and searching for departments.

What is an Organization Department?

An Organization Department helps organizers efficiently manage team members by grouping them based on relevant tasks or roles. Organizers can create custom departments to organize events and assign specific events to teams, ensuring each department only sees events pertinent to their work.

Steps to set up your Organization Department

  1. Log in to the Organization backend, and select “Teams” from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click on the Departments tab to access Organization Departments.

  3. Click on the "Add Department" button to initiate the process of creating a new department.

  4. Enter a department name for which you want to create the department. E.g. Marketing

  5. Click on the "Add Department" button at the bottom right corner to create a department.

  6. You will be taken to the department listing page where you can view all your created departments.

  7. From the Department listing page, you can perform the following actions:
    1. Search
      The feature allows you to search by entering complete or partial department names in the search field.

    2. Adjust Columns
      You can select and keep the columns you need based on your preferences.

    3. Edit department
      Click on the pencil icon to edit the department.

    4. Delete department
      Click on the bin icon to Delete a department.