How to schedule email campaigns for a specific audience

This article outlines predefined Audience Segments that can be used for scheduling targeted email campaigns with a detailed description of each segment and instructions for selecting these segments when setting up an email campaign.

Following are the system defined Audience Segments that can be used to schedule audience specific Email Campaigns: 

Audience Segment


All Active Attendees

All attendees who are registered in the event with an active user status.

All Inactive Attendees

All attendees who are registered in the event with an inactive user status.

Attendees who logged in

All attendees who have logged into the event.

Attendees didn’t log in

All attendees who have not logged into the event yet. 

Attendees who registered in a specific date range

Allows you to select a data/time range to target attendees registered in a specific period.

All Exhibitors

All users registered as Exhibitors (Booth Admins) in the event. 

Virtual Exhibitors

All Exhibitors tagged as Virtual in the Booth listing in Event Backend. (See Note below)

When creating a booth in the Event Backend, you can select the booth’s accessibility mode i.e. Virtual or Physical and tag it accordingly. To learn more on how to add a booth in vFairs, click here.


Audience Segment


Physical Exhibitors

All Exhibitors tagged as Physical in the Booth listing in Event Backend.

Select Custom Exhibitors

Select manually from a list of Exhibitors to create a custom Exhibitor Segment.

All Booth POCs

Point of Contacts added in all booths in the Booth listing in Event Backend. 

Virtual Booth POCs

Point of Contacts added in all booths tagged as Virtual in the Booth listing in Event Backend.

Physical Booth POCs

Point of Contacts added in all booths tagged as Physical in the Booth listing in Event Backend.

Select Custom Booth POCs

Select manually from a list of Booths Point of Contacts to create a custom Booth POCs Segment.

Booths Not Started POCs

Allows you to target all those Point of Contacts who have not yet started to build their booths.

Booths In Progress POCs

Allows you to target all those Point of Contacts who have started building their booths and are in progress.

Booths Completed POCs

Allows you to target all those Point of Contacts who have completed their booth builds.

All Speakers

All users who are registered as Speakers in the Event Backend. 

Select Custom Speakers

Allows you to manually select from a list of Speakers and create a custom Segment.

Existing Users

Allows you to target pre-approved attendees uploaded in the Event Backend. (See Note below)

Existing Users Registered

Allows you to target attendees who have successfully registered out of the pre-approved attendees uploaded in the Event Backend.

Existing Users Not Registered

Allows you to target attendees who have not yet registered out of the pre-approved attendees uploaded in the Event Backend.

Existing Users or Pre-approved Attendees are often used by Event Organizers for closed or private events in which public registrations are not allowed. Some pre-approved attendees are uploaded in a section in the Event Backend and only these users are then allowed to register on the Event Registration Form. 

Selecting a Specific Audience to schedule a targeted Email Campaign in the backend:

  1. Once you are ready with your designed Email Campaign, you can simply select the required audience you want to send it to by clicking on the below dropdown menu:

User Segments Based on Registration Form Fields

In addition to the predefined Audience Segments listed above, you can create custom Attendee Segments based on registration form fields from the User Segment Listing Tab. These segments are highly flexible and allow you to target users based on their responses during registration (e.g., job title, industry, location, or other custom fields).

Any Attendee Segments created in the "User Segments Listings" section of the backend will also appear in the Audience Segment drop-down for email campaigns. This feature enables you to send targeted emails to segments created specifically for your event needs. 

To learn more about Creating User Segments click here: Create User Segments


Steps to Select an Audience Segment for Scheduling an Email Campaign

  1. Design Your Email Campaign: Ensure that your email campaign is ready to be scheduled.

  2. Select an Audience Segment: In the email campaign setup interface, locate the Audience Segment dropdown menu. Select the desired audience segment from the list.

    Pro Tip: Once you select an audience segment in the dropdown, the system will display the actual number of users associated with that specific segment just below the dropdown field. This helps you verify the size of your target audience before sending out the campaign.

    Audience Segment Selection Example

  3. Schedule the Email Campaign: Choose your preferred date and time for the email campaign and save the schedule.

By leveraging the Audience Segment dropdown and integrating custom User Segments, you can effectively target specific groups of attendees, exhibitors, or other stakeholders to enhance engagement and communication.

Don't know how to design an Email Campaign in vFairs and send out test emails? Click here to learn more.