See compatibility percentage in the chat box to find the right match between exhibitors and attendees
Understanding the compatibility between exhibitors and attendees is key to fostering meaningful connections at the events. To help streamline interactions, vFairs allows you to view the compatibility percentage between exhibitors and attendees directly in the chat box.
Here’s how you can enable and view compatibility:
Access Chat Settings
Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the main dashboard. On the sidebar, click on the ‘Networking’ tab to expand your options.
Under the Networking tab, locate and click on ‘Chat Settings’.
Enable Compatibility View
In the Chat Settings screen, look for the toggle titled ‘Show Percentage Match Between Exhibitors and Attendees’ at the bottom of the page. This toggle allows you to enable the feature that displays the compatibility score between exhibitors and attendees.
- When activated, attendees will see a percentage match in the chat box that indicates how compatible they are with the exhibitor, based on shared interests and preferences.
Save Your Settings
Once you have enabled the toggle, click on ‘Update Settings’ to save the changes. This will activate the feature for the event, making it visible to all participants.
By enabling this feature, exhibitors and attendees can instantly see their compatibility, allowing for more focused and productive conversations. This feature enhances the event experience and encourages valuable interactions between the right people.