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How to set up booth setup emails as an organizer

Simplify Exhibitor Onboarding with Booth Setup Emails

Booth setup emails are essential for guiding exhibitors on how to create and customize their booths in a virtual event.

As an organizer, setting these up on vFairs is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Navigate to Booth Management section
    Login to eh backend portal and click 'Booth Management' tab in the left side bar.

  2. Access 'Booth Communications' screen
    Click on the 'More' button and then click 'Booth Communications' button to set up emails.

  3. Customize the Email Content
    Select the email template among 'initial booth setup', 'reminder email', and 'confirmation email'. Exhibitors can edit the body text of the template according to their event details and fill in the other relevant fields in order to send the email.

  4. Preview and Send
    Click on 'Save and Preview' button at the bottom right of the template screen to preview your email. After previewing, click on 'Send Now' button seen at the bottom right of preview screen to send the email.

Properly crafted booth setup emails ensure exhibitors are well-informed and ready, contributing to the overall success of your event.