How to set up vFairs embedded session

Learn how to configure vFairs embedded sessions through the event's backend. Understand the overall setup process, including managing session details, and integrating them into the virtual event platform.


1. Head over to the Sessions listing section in the backend, click on the "Add" button.

2. Scroll below to the "Webinar Type" section and select "vFairs Embedded Webinar” from the type dropdown.

3. Set the Start time and Duration fields from the session creation drawer.

NOTE: There is no need to set up a URL or meeting id field as it will be auto-populated. Once you hit the 'Save' button, your webinar will be created and the meeting ID will be populated automatically.

4. For live stream credentials, click the 'Advanced Settings' toggle after saving the webinar. You can now accordingly share RTMP URL and Streaming Key with the customer if they want to live stream their session.

5. Multiple hosts and speakers can be added to the same session with no limit on number of hosts and panelists/speakers.

NOTE: To add a speaker to the session, the “Add Host” toggle button should be kept disabled. One or multiple speakers can be added to the webinar.

There is no host or guest URL for vFairs embedded webinars. Host will need to login into the platform to start the session and speakers have to login to the event for presentations.

6. Click on 'Add Session and  the vFairs Embedded Session will be scheduled for the event.